Playa Moron

Playa Moron

Playa Moron is a beach located in the village of El Limon. It’s one of the better beaches in the area, and it’s also home to some great restaurants and hotels.

Playa Moron

Playa Moron is a highly-regarded beach in El Limon.

Playa Moron is a highly-regarded beach in El Limon. It’s a small, white sand beach with crystal clear waters and lifeguards. The water is shallow enough for kids to swim safely, but deeper than many of Dominicana other beaches so you can still go for long walks during low tide. The water leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth—and gives you the option of going for a dip after playing in the sand.

The beach has a few spots where you can set up camp (really just some rocks sticking out into the ocean) and enjoy lunch or dinner under the shade of palm trees. There are also showers on site if you want to rinse off before heading back home after spending all day at Moron beach, Las Terrenas!

Beach Moron
Beach Moron


How long is the beach?

It’s about 600 meters long – a little over 6 football fields.

What are the best parts of the beach?

The right side of the beach is where you’ll find most people, as well as nice waves for surfing and bodyboarding. The left side is where you can relax on your towel in peace while enjoying a good book or listening to music (there’s no noise pollution). There are also plenty of palm trees here that provide shade, but it might be too hot in summer months when they don’t have any leaves left! At either end there are two lifeguards who watch over swimmers and surfers alike; they even rescue people who get caught out in strong rip currents every now and then!

How many people can you fit on this beach?

You could probably fit 2 million people if they stand shoulder-to-shoulder across both sides at once…but let’s not do that just yet! We recommend finding some shade under those palm trees instead!

Pros & Cons of Playa Moron


  • Playa Moron is a beautiful, small beach that’s great for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing.
  • It also has some good snorkeling if you go out a little bit further into the water.
  • Fishing is not very good here because of all the rocks by the shoreline and other hazards that get in the way when trying to cast your line at fish.
  • The beach itself is fairly narrow and not very wide; there are no trees along it either which makes for an interesting sight when looking out over the ocean from this side of town!

How to get there from Las Terrenas

If you’re staying in Las Terrenas and are looking for a day trip to the beach, Playa Moron is a great option. It’s just 40 minutes away by bus, with departures every hour or so throughout the day. The cost of the ride is $4-$5 US dollars per person each way, depending on which bus company you choose to use (there are several).

The first step is catching one of these buses from Las Terrenas—they’ll be labeled “Playa Moron,” so look for them at any one of the many stops around town. There are many options: they come by every few minutes during tourist season and often run late into the evening as well. They leave from all over town; just look for something that says “Playa Moron” on it! If you’re not sure where to catch your bus, ask someone who works at one of the hotels near where you’re staying—they’ll know what time their hotel has scheduled its departure and can help point it out to you if necessary.

A nice place to visit.

Playa Moron is a nice beach. It’s a great place to visit if you want to spend the day or just relax for a few hours.

Makes for a nice day at the beach.

Playa Moron is a nice, relaxing beach. The waters are clear and warm, making this a good place to swim or snorkel. It’s also perfect for hanging out with friends and family—the people here tend to be more laid back than at other beaches. If you want a more active day at the beach, Playa Moron is an excellent spot for surfing or kayaking.

Whether it’s just you (and maybe your dog) or the whole family, there are many ways to make use of this scenic stretch of sand before heading home in the evening:

Playa Moron is a very nice beach.

Playa Moron from top
Playa Moron from top

It has a nice beach bar and restaurant, which are just steps away from the sand. The restaurant serves excellent seafood, but if you’re not wild about seafood (as I am sometimes not), they also serve other kinds of food—like wonderful, fresh-baked empanadas! And did I mention how beautiful the view is? You can see both Playa Moron and Playa Madera from here. At night, you’ll be able to see the city lights twinkling on the hillside above as well as on other parts of your own sandy paradise.

It’s definitely worth making time in your trip to come here!


Playa Moron is a very nice beach. It is one of the best beaches in El Limon and one of the most scenic spots on the island. There are many other beautiful beaches around here, but if you want to enjoy some sun and surf there are few better choices than this one!






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